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Hi, I’m Diane, and I am passionate about organic skin care. Your shop for gifts and skin care products for dry skin care. Follow me on YouTube at
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If you are plagued by dry, itchy skin – including psoriasis, eczema, rough and cracked dermis, redness, soreness – you have come to the right place.

For years I was like you, struggling with painful psoriasis. None of the usual Big Pharma “fixes” helped. So, since I am a master gardener, I decided to research and craft my own solution, based on lavender. The intoxicating scent of lavender is not only relaxing and calming, but beneficial in relieving nervous tension and headaches, and the flowers produce beautiful essential oils.

I taught myself to make soaps and lotions and balms and salves the old fashioned way: by hand, with all natural ingredients, and with care and respect for the land. And, since I figured there were others like me who suffer from dry skin and seek a natural, organic solution, I created Vermont Lavender.

Today, five years on, Vermont Lavender offers over two dozen skin and body care products. All of their key ingredients are grown on my herbal farm in northern Vermont. I use no chemicals, artificial colors, harmful preservatives, or pesticides in anything I make.

My goal is to help you feel comfortable in your skin.

Start your journey to healthier skin by joining our email list at When you do, I will send you my 10 Things To Know About Sensitive Skin, plus I'll send you a special discount offer on your first order. This email list is where I periodically share tips for healthier skin and natural living (and occasionally offer more special discounts).

Of course you can also just explore my lotions, soaps, salves and balms. And of course don’t hesitate to drop me an email if you have any questions whatsoever.

Herbally yours,


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For more information of Herb Uses and Aromatherapy benefits here.

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Shop at Vermont Lavender all natural dry skin care products made in Vermont all handmade soaps, lotions, gifts plus more

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