A Rejuvenating Tonic Herb

Amalaki is one of the herbs that make up the triphala, (“three fruits”). The “three fruits” of triphala are founded on T. chebula (haritaki), Phyllanthus emblica (A. emblic myrobalan, or ambal,), and T. belerica (bibhitaki, b. myrobalan, or beleric myrobalan).

An important rejuvenating, laxative tonic comprised of Myrobalan fruits that are grown in the Indian subcontinent region.

Amalaki is Known in
Ayurvedic and Tibetan Medicine

The T. chebula in Tibetan medicine is known as the “king of medicines” and is combined with T. belerica and T. arjuna, as part of the medicinal formula.

T. chebula was first mentioned in Chinese medicine in 1061.

This herb, Phyllanthus emblica, (emblic myrobalan, ambal), grows in well-drained soil in full sun with minimum temperatures of 61-64 degrees F (16-18 degrees C). You can propagate the herb by seed and sowing it in the spring, or from cuttings that are semi-ripe in summer.

Harvest the fruits when they are ripe late summer and dry them in full sun to make decoctions (tea), powders, or pastes.

The Only Parts of the Herb Used Are the Fruits

This herb plant has a warming, astringent taste, almost bitter and can be unpleasant.  The most beneficial herbs are unpleasant tasting.

Internally, the medicinal herb combination of this herbi, T. chebula, are used for constipation, digestive and nervous disorders, diarrhea, dysentery, intestinal worms, hemorrhoids, rectal prolapse, abnormal uterine bleeding and inflammation, vaginal discharge, involuntary ejaculation, coughs, and asthma.

Pregnant women and people with severe exhaustion or dehydration are not recommended to use the T. chebula, herb combination.  

Externally T. chebula, herb combination is used for ulcers, wounds, mouth inflammation and gum disease.

**Only under the supervision of your qualified herbalist should this medicinal medicine be taken internally or externally.

Tonic Herbs
These herb plants strengthen, rehabilitate and tone the body and use
daily. Unless, on pharmaceutical drugs then check with
your qualified herbalist or doctor.

Rejuvenative Effect – Amalaki herb – The triphala (“three fruits”),
T. chebula  (myrobalan, black chebulic, haritaki) –
A laxative tonic -restores the digestive, respiratory, and nervous systems.

**Only under the supervision of your qualified herbalist should this medicinal medicine be taken internally or externally.

Many medicinal herbs are prized for their healing and pain relieving properties and have been used since ancient times and are still being used even more today.

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