Elderberry Recipes

Delicious And Simple Elderberry Recipes

The elderberry herb has been called “the medicine chest of the people.”

This historic herb is used internally for common chest complaints like the common cold and flu virus to sinusitis, fevers, constipation, rheumatic and arthritic complaints. When combined with other herbs it enhances the medicine for a more powerful effect.

Elderberry Recipes

Elderberry Syrup

1 1/2 cups fresh elderberries

3 1/4 cups water

1 1/4 cups honey

1 cinnamon stick

3-4 whole cloves

1 large piece candied ginger (or 1 teaspoon of grated fresh ginger)

Combine everything but the honey and bring the mixture to a boil. Reduce heat and slowly simmer for about 25 minutes. Using a potato masher, crush the berries and set aside to cool for several hours. Strain, discarding solids, then add the honey and mix to dissolve. This makes approximately 4 cups of syrup and can be stored in the refrigerator for about 8 weeks. This can also be frozen in ice cube trays for longer storage and taken out as needed.


Elderberry Jam

4 cups of just ripened elderberries, stripped from stems and washed

2 cups apples, cored and chopped with their skins

½ tsp salt

½ cup orange juice

2-4 cups sugar

Put the elderberries, apples, salt and orange juice in an enamel or stainless-steel sauce pan, bring to a boil and simmer uncovered 20 to 30 minutes. Mash the cooked fruit through a colander or coarse strainer. Measure the puree and add 1 1/2 cups of sugar to each cup of puree. Return the sweetened puree to the saucepan and cook over low heat, stirring constantly for 15 to 20 minutes. Pour the jam into sterilized jars or glasses and cover with paraffin if you don't intend to use all use all the jam within a month. (The Wild Gourmet)

Elderberry Shrub

1 1/2 cups fresh elderberries

3 1/4 organic white wine vinegar

1 1/4 cups honey

1 cinnamon stick

3-4 whole cloves

Use a potato masher and crush as many berries as possible. Combine everything but the honey in a large mason jar. Then place a piece of wax paper to act as a gasket to prevent leakage. Place in a cool dark cabinet. Label and date it. Shake 2-3 times per day for 1 month.  Strain into a nonreactive pan or crockpot and heat the mixture. Bring the mixture to a boil. Reduce heat and slowly simmer for about 25 minutes. Set aside to cool for several hours. Strain, discarding solids, then add the honey and mix to dissolve. This makes approximately 4 cups of shrub and can be stored in the refrigerator for about 8 weeks. Add to your favorite beverage such as lemonade, soda or adult drinks for an interesting flavor and zing. (Herb Garden Lady elderberry recipes)

Note: If any odor or discoloration develops, discard entire batch.

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